Friday, April 24, 2009

just because.

i havent posted anything in awhile. i just finished up my college course for the year. too bad i'm going to fail the year. i was informed that we had 5 mandatory modules to pass so i thought this meant you passed the year. but no. you have to pass these modules along with 3 OTHER modules. so basically i'm fucked. should have just dropped out when i was considering it. i might pass we'll just have to see how the exams go.

in other news, britney spears is playing dublin and i'm so excited. not because i'm a homosexual but because she's an amazing performer. miming or not she always puts on a good show. although i heard standing tickets are around €93? bit steep so that is but when is she ever gonna tour again?!

anyways i'm off to catch some zzzz's.

peace x

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Last night was my friend Linda's 21st, it was in her house and was Oscar themed! Pretty sick party if I do say so myself. Linda was wasted by the time we got there which was actually hilarious cos I was hoping for that! In all fairness now I was very hammered but I wasn't a drunk mess. I'm so proud of that one! YAAAAAAY.

I have history to do and I'm hungover...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

'You'll Never Reach It...'

Well I got the forms for the my grant sent off just there so I'm hoping to actually have money soon!
At this very moment I'm listening to "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus and I actually don't know why. Its abit of a guilty pleasure I suppose...

Anyways, moving on. Todays blog has a purpose. If you see the title you might be able to guess what its about . . thats right, you guessed it. Human ability. Some of us have strength, determination and we WILL push ourselves that little bit further to get what we want. But what about others? What if they feel they can't do that? Laziness or genuine fear? As humans we all have a point of impact. A point where we just . . crash. I've never had great determination or free will. So I guess I'm of the others.

Something to think about...

Peace x

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Everything in Moderation...

So I've been working in Tower Records for the past week and a half and I'm really enjoying it! I think working is my forte as opposed to studying. Since I was never great at studying, I don't even know why I went on to college! Stress of it all.

As they say 'too much of anything is bad for you' and I firmly believe that. I've been trying to pack everything into my life. I like to keep busy because it keeps things off my mind. But then when everything is done and I have nothing to do its like ' . . crap what do I do now!'.

Anyways, I'm sure I'll have some more events to rant about soon.
Thats it for now!

Peace x

Friday, April 10, 2009

like a virgin...

So this is my first blog. Yeah, I'm joining the bandwagon. I don't feel the need to have a blog cos I'm so lazy but maybe it'll be good to get my rants out on a different place besides

Updates soon . .